When you pay for something you expect to get the results you want. Sometimes it can be difficult to bring suggestions to the table, especially for something such as a cleaning service. The last thing you want to do is make someone mad who’s cleaning your precious space. However, honesty is the best policy, just keep in mind that there’s constructive ways to share your opinion.
Never be afraid to speak up, for any service you pay for, but especially when it comes to someone cleaning your home. Rather it be good or bad it’s important to let your service know what’s working and what isn’t. Cleaning is a true art form and the best way for someone to get better at it is through feedback.
It’s easy when your cleaning service leaves behind a comment card (like we do) but what if they don’t? If you’re seeing problems in your cleaning or want to compliment them for a job well done speak directly to them rather that be through a phone call or in person that way your expectations are clear. If you’re too busy during the day for a conversation an email or note left behind for your cleaning tech may work too and that leaves you with something physical to refer back to if need be.
Remember, nobody’s perfect, so if you’re going to give criticism try to make it constructive. We’ve also found that our cleaning techs become particularly motivated when their left with positive feedback. If you like how your cleaning service is doing be sure to let them know. It’s a great way to put a little pep in someone’s step and an excellent way to ensure an even tidier home!
Good or bad, your cleaning service should always look for the raw truth, it’s a great way to grow, so don’t be afraid to tell them how you feel. After all, it’s your home, it should look and feel the way you want it to!